Why Leave Concrete Wall Sawing to a Professional?
Concrete wall sawing can be necessary if you want to create a doorway or window in an area that is made with concrete, or if you want to access pipes, cables, or anything else that is behind the poured concrete. While it may seem easy to simply cut through a concrete wall with a concrete saw, there are some reasons why this type of job is best left to a professional, no matter the size of the cut. Note a few of those reasons here so you make the right decision when you need some concrete cutting done.
1. Core drilling
The diameter of a saw blade can make over-cuts very easy in any situation. This refers to cutting too far past your intended mark, because the circulate motion of the saw allows it to get away from you. It's especially easy when cutting a concrete wall to over-cut the area because you may be lifting the saw above your head to make the cut, and the blades used for cutting concrete can be very large and cumbersome.
A professional concrete cutter can core the corners, meaning they use a standard rounded or core drill to cut the corners of the area to be sawn. They can then stop the cutting right when it reaches these cored areas so there are no over-cuts.
Core drilling can also be done in the middle of the area to be cut, and this allows for an easier extraction of a section of concrete. Without this core drilling, it can be difficult to actually pull away the section of concrete that has been cut, and you may need to use a pry bar or other such tool instead. A professional concrete cutter will usually have the right core drill and expertise needed for these types of cuts.
2. Air quality
If you're cutting through concrete in order to create air vents and shafts, you need to be concerned about air quality. Cutting concrete is often very dusty and dirty work, and once this dust and dirt settles into an air shaft or other opening, it can be difficult to simply vacuum out.
Commercial concrete cutters will have the tools and expertise needed to maintain air quality. They may have vacuum powered tools that suck up the dust as it's created and collect it. They may also be able to work more readily with water to keep dust to a minimum. This will mean better air quality in the areas of the cut.