3 Reasons Why Asphalt May Be the Better Choice for a New Driveway

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Asphalt and concrete are usually the two choices for a home's driveway when it's time to have it poured or replaced. As a homeowner, it may be up to you to make this decision, and you need to ensure you choose the material that will work for you over the years and not just the one that your contractor prefers. Note a few reasons why asphalt may be the better choice for a home's new driveway versus concrete.

1. Less cracking or spalling

Spalling is the word used to describe the flaking and chipping of concrete that can happen with quick, poor installation or because of the use of salt to melt ice and snow in the wintertime. This spalling means more repair work is needed on concrete every year. Because asphalt is softer, it's less likely to chip and crack even if it's been installed quickly or if you use salt over it.

Repairing concrete can also be more involved than repairing asphalt. Typically new concrete needs to be mixed to fill in large cracks and holes in driveways, as they're often too big to be filled with simple sealant. Larger chunks of concrete may need to be removed completely and a section of the driveway re-poured altogether, whereas asphalt can often be repaired with sealant mixtures. These mixtures are very easy to use and these repairs can be done by a homeowner quickly and easily, more so than filling in broken concrete.

2. Lower price

Asphalt is usually much cheaper than concrete; in most cases it's about 30 to 40 percent cheaper to install. This can be a very important consideration for properties with very long driveways, and if you want to pour walkways at the same time. The cost savings can add up significantly for these larger jobs.

The darker color of asphalt can also stand out against a white or light-colored house. Concrete can be painted or stained, but this often adds to the price of having concrete poured for your driveway. For a cheaper installation that is still very attractive, asphalt can be the better choice.

3. Heightened safety

Asphalt can actually be a safer choice for those who live in very cold climates that see a tremendous amount of ice and snow. This is because the surface texture provides traction underneath that ice and snow, so you're less likely to slip when driving or walking. The texture also doesn't let snow become as compact as it would over concrete, so it may melt faster.

For a second opinion, contact companies like Active Asphalt to learn more.
